Professional Sound Designer + Audio Editor. If you have a cartoon or animation and you need someone to put sound to it! I'm the guy! I do voice overs as well! I have even done a lot of work for the furry fandom! https://www.furaffinity.net/user/laphin

Jonathan Jones @Laphin

Age 42, Male

Voice Actor

Joanna Horton's Actor's Studio

Jacksonville, FL

Joined on 8/4/12

Exp Points:
996 / 1,110
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.22 votes
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Laphin's News

Posted by Laphin - July 6th, 2019

WOW!! It's been a hot minute since I have posted here!

I recently helped BoomBusterB on his animation "Sonic.exe - Eggman's Chaos Emerald"

performing not only voice overs, but all the sound design on the project!

It was REALLY challenging, but super fun to do! Let me know what you guys think when it is finally posted up here, and then on youtube the following day!!

I really want his animation to show my sound design strengths, and hopefully if any of you animators out there happen upon his cartoon and you like the work I did there, I'd love to be hired on to work on your cartoon as an audio director, or voice actor. I will be able to quote based upon the work!

I stream daily on http://www.twitch.tv/laphin

Streaming on Twitch is my main career right now, entertaining a community and showing some love to the gaming world. I've been on Twitch for 2 and half years now, so if you'd like, stop by and say "Hi". I love meeting new folks as long as they are respectable!

Let me know what you guys think of the audio and voice work! I'll post a link soon to the video when it's actually posted!!



Posted by Laphin - December 1st, 2015

My new idea... Lets Plays with animated characters.

Lets face it, animators don't have a lot of time inbetween animations to post new cartoons or video content, and it's hard to even come out with a new cartoon in a month's time!  So I have made it an idea to work with quality animators that have awesome characters that people can attach to, and play video games as these characters.  In this way, I can draw people not only to my own channel, but also draw folks to cartoons.  In this way, I hope to not only add more life to characters, but to help animators grab traffic to their toons while they are in their down time.

Check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL here:  http://www.youtube.com/CharacterVoice/

Not only will it feature letsplays, but fun projects I have worked on (Cartoons, Voice Overs) and/or just me goofing off.  I hope you find my channel to be a nice fun, slice of life!

MY MAIN WEBSITE:  http://www.voiceoverfun.com

Stay Cool.  Stay Creative.

- Jonathan J.

Posted by Laphin - December 14th, 2014

Hey guys! It's Laphin, or as some of you may know me as, "Jonathan Jones". I'd like to send out my website here where you can listen & see my Voice Demos, Testimonials, Credits/Clients... and more!

WEBSITE:  http://www.voiceoverfun.com

I'd also like to say that I have enjoyed working with the Jamcave as their Sound Designer + Audio Editor, as well as their voice actor for the beginning of what seems to be a beautiful thing with the #JamCave experience.

There are other animators out there!! A LOT of you on Newgrounds!  DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CONTACT ME!
I would love to start something fresh and new with you as well.  I am very passionate about bringing characters and new adventures and stories to life.  It's my day job.  It's what I live for.. and this passion will never die.

I do voice acting as a profession, so please keep that in mind.  If you are going to be asking me to do something for FREE, the only thing I ask is that your quality of animation be close to brilliant, SHORT, and at least have very well implemented comedy or story... I know this is very vague request, so the best thing to do would be to e-mail me and show me your work from PAST EXAMPLES. i.e show me your portfolio.

After that I will audition to see if I fit in any roles you have!

Why do I ask this??  Because you are in turn representing me as a voice talent, so if you aren't paying me... that is my price, good representation + crediting.  Your animation directly represents me as a voice talent, and also markets me.  Seems fair right!?

Look forward to seeing you guys in the cartoon world!  Lets make 2015 fantastic!

E-mail Me! -  voiceoverfun (at) gmail.com

Posted by Laphin - February 19th, 2014

Hello Newgrounds!!

I am back with another Voice Acting Project I participated in.

This animation was created by Hernán Bruna Villarroel, with voice talent provided by myself as "Larry & Flappy Bird". This will be a new series based around Larry and his Epic Video Game Shop antics. Look forward to more soon!! ....AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted by Laphin - August 20th, 2013

Hey Newgrounds & Friends!

I have something absolutely fantastic to share. Callum Stamp, the creator of "The Everydays" has a big project about to release, and lucky me, I was fortunate enough to get to be a part of it as a voice talent!

We're incredibly proud to announce the amazing arcade experience, Astroman. Created by Callum Stamp and Alan James, you get to take control of Sergeant Daniel "Astroman" Briggs and blast through the universe in search for falling stars.

Awesome ORIGINAL soundtrack, fully voiced characters, multiplayer, leaderboards, cutscenes, lots of replayability.. And ready for launch! We will keep sharing more screens, music and information on www.facebook.com/astromangame, so keep your eyes peeled.

If you want to see more, check out www.facebook.com/astromangame


This is the start of our voyage.

-Jonathan Jones (Voice Actor)

~The Astroman Project~


Posted by Laphin - August 3rd, 2013

Finally the first portion of the Ragville Show has arrived! It's weird, it's weird, and it's weird, but so LOVEABLE at the same time!! Enjoy! In this, I voice act as "Reginald A. Fish".


Posted by Laphin - June 5th, 2013

Voiced in a little MOD for Skyrim, and it's just been released!! So those of you that play Skyrim, get on it!! It is called, "The Cheese of Ages" (sounds funny, but it's actually kinda seriously told!)

Steam Workshop: Download from STEAM (trailers + gameplay video there)
Skyrim Nexus: Download from SKYRIM NEXUS

My character's name is Baltazar (a villain... kindof.. maybe.. o.O)

Enjoy it!!

-Created By Merte

NEW SKYRIM MOD - "The Cheese of Ages" Project

Posted by Laphin - February 22nd, 2013

This is from the end of the Matrix movie originally.. It's shortened and completely changed up as a fun little Voice Over.

I edited it into my own little scene. I know you won't realize it, because it seems seamless, but all the sounds and ambience were not in the real film, I edited all the sounds into the clip. In the film, his monologue is much longer and has different sounds/music. I'm pretty proud of the editing job I did.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt2-GI3GdXc&featu re=youtu.be

Posted by Laphin - February 13th, 2013

My FIRST animated voice over endeavor and definately not the last!
Basically if you get technical, it's not my first as I've already voiced in a Skyrim mod that's just not out yet, and some iPad games that have yet to be released! But this would be my first, okay, animated cartoon character.

The writing is okay and the comedy is about as bland (at least in my opinion), as British food.. but this IS British Humor. What can I say...? But here's the clip!! I R CROC! Lippy was voiced by the talented Edwyn Tiong!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqntuNCsaCA (Feel free to pass it around!)

An Honest Job Interview - "Lippy Duck & Creeve Croc"

Posted by Laphin - January 22nd, 2013

I just got included onto "Voice Realm" after auditioning! So exciting. Unlike Voices.com and Voice123, they accept only professional/quality voices into their voice library for clients to choose from. I just attempted it for the sake of attempting it, and I didn't actually expect them to bring me in.

Come visit me!!

http://www.thevoicerealm.com/talent/Jonathan.Jon es

(the demo there is a little more updated than the one here on "Characters")

The Voice Realm!