Hey guys! It's Laphin, or as some of you may know me as, "Jonathan Jones". I'd like to send out my website here where you can listen & see my Voice Demos, Testimonials, Credits/Clients... and more!
WEBSITE: http://www.voiceoverfun.com
I'd also like to say that I have enjoyed working with the Jamcave as their Sound Designer + Audio Editor, as well as their voice actor for the beginning of what seems to be a beautiful thing with the #JamCave experience.
There are other animators out there!! A LOT of you on Newgrounds! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CONTACT ME!
I would love to start something fresh and new with you as well. I am very passionate about bringing characters and new adventures and stories to life. It's my day job. It's what I live for.. and this passion will never die.
I do voice acting as a profession, so please keep that in mind. If you are going to be asking me to do something for FREE, the only thing I ask is that your quality of animation be close to brilliant, SHORT, and at least have very well implemented comedy or story... I know this is very vague request, so the best thing to do would be to e-mail me and show me your work from PAST EXAMPLES. i.e show me your portfolio.
After that I will audition to see if I fit in any roles you have!
Why do I ask this?? Because you are in turn representing me as a voice talent, so if you aren't paying me... that is my price, good representation + crediting. Your animation directly represents me as a voice talent, and also markets me. Seems fair right!?
Look forward to seeing you guys in the cartoon world! Lets make 2015 fantastic!
E-mail Me! - voiceoverfun (at) gmail.com
I demand a new update! <3
Hahhahah.. I have been neglecting Newgrounds. I apologize!